HC Deb 05 April 1892 vol 3 c690
MR. SHAW LEFEVRE (Bradford, Central)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he can state what action the Government proposes to take with respect to the Report of the Royal Commission on Westminster Abbey, and especially with reference to the recommendation as to the demolition of the houses in Old Palace Yard, which it is alleged would be the cause of danger to the Abbey in the event of fire?


The Government have not yet arrived at any decision as to the alternative sites suggested by the Royal Commission for a Memorial Chapel. With reference to the houses at Poet's Corner and in Old Palace Yard, I have been in communication with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are the ground landlords of the houses in question, and I am in communication with the Dean and Chapter of the Abbey. The leases of these houses will expire at periods varying from one to twelve years from the present time, and I think it is obvious that, whatever plan may be ultimately adopted, the leases should not be renewed.