HC Deb 14 May 1891 vol 353 cc694-5
SIR G. CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he can now say what the Government intend to propose in regard to the Sittings and Business of the House before and on its meeting after Whitsunday? I put this question down before I was aware of the state of the right hon. Gentleman's health. Perhaps the Chancellor of the Exchequer will say whether it is still arranged that if the Land Purchase Bill is not finished this week that the House will reassemble on the 21st.


My right hon. Friend has asked me to refer the hon. Gentleman to the statement he made yesterday, to which he has nothing to add.


Are we to understand that it is definitely settled that in case the Land Bill is not finished to-morrow we are to proceed with the Bill on the 21st? If not, what Supply will be taken?


Perhaps it would be convenient that the House should know definitely what will be the hour and the course of business to- morrow. I should like to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he intends to adhere to the usual custom of a Morning Sitting, the adjournment taking place at the end of it?


We shall not be able to take the Purchase Bill to-morrow unless we put it down for 3 o'clock. Therefore, the proposal is that we should meet at 3 o'clock, not only for the Adjournment, but for the purpose of continuing the Land Purchase Bill. Without pledging myself to any particular hour, I hope we shall be able to move the Adjournment at an hour convenient to hon. Members.

MR. SHAW LEFEVRE (Bradford, Central)

May I ask whether it will be necessary to take a Vote on Account immediately after Whitsuntide, and, if so, on what day?


If we finish the Land Purchase Bill to-morrow, then we shall take a Vote on Account on Monday, when we meet, but if we are not able to do so, and we resume on Thursday, we shall proceed with the Bill on that day and Friday, and then I do not know whether we shall take the Vote on Account; perhaps on Tuesday.