§ SIR G. TREVELYAN (Glasgow, Bridgeton)I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether he will grant a Return of the amount of endowments in Scotland which are at present applied to secondary and higher education, apart from University education?
§ THE SOLICITOR GENERAL FOR SCOTLAND (Sir C. PEARSON,) Edinburgh and St. Andrews UniversitiesThe right hon. Baronet will find a statement of the estimated amount of endowments in Scotland, and their application, as drawn up by the Endowed Schools Commission of 1872, on page 239 of the 3rd Report of that Commission. He will also find a Return of the endowments dealt with in the schemes of the recent Educational Endowments Commission on page IX. of the 7th Report of that Commission. Prom the latter statement considerable deductions would have to be made in respect of schemes which did not receive the approval of Parliament. To give the Return asked for by the right hon. Gentleman would not only involve minute and lengthy inquiry into all endowments of any kind, but would also add very little to the information now available.