HC Deb 10 March 1891 vol 351 c603
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he has received a communication from the Irish Cattle Traders' and Stockbrokers' Association, directing his attention to the injury inflicted on Irish cattle dealers, farmers, and stock raisers, in consequence of the recent restrictions in the scheduled districts of Lancashire; whether these restrictions are imposed because of local disease in Lancashire; whether there is pleuropneumonia or other infectious disease amongst Irish cattle; whether all Irish cattle undergo veterinary inspection before shipment; and whether, having regard to the fact that these restrictions give an advantage to American competitors, they will be modified to the extent of allowing the free movement of Irish fat cattle?


Yes, Sir; the facts are as stated in the first four paragraphs of the hon. Member's question. With regard to the fifth, Irish cattle when they land in England, are subject to neither more or less restrictions than English cattle. I am afraid I cannot make any exceptions in their favour, and I do not understand in what respect it is that the restrictions give an advantage to their American competitors.

In reply to a further question by Dr. TANNER,


said: I believe that fat cattle when landed are obliged to be slaughtered independent of whether they are landed in a scheduled district or not.