HC Deb 30 June 1891 vol 354 c1860

I wish to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, seeing that the Legislative Council of Hong Kong have recently passed an Ordinance placing restrictions on the working of ships' cargoes in that harbour on Sundays, as prevail in England and the self-governing Colonies, on representations made by the Secretary of State last year, and seeing that, by Parliamentary Return, C. 6348, Session 1891, it appears that unnecessary and avoidable Sunday labour in working cargoes and coaling ships is still carried on in Singapore and 13 of the smaller Crown Colonies, the Secretary of State will endeavour to bring about a similar change on behalf of the seamen of this country in the aforesaid Colonies to that so recently adopted at Hong Kong, so that seamen may enjoy their Sunday rest in port in common with other of Her Majesty's subjects?


The Secretary of State proposes to communicate with the Governors of those Colonies in which Sunday labour in the ports appears to be not sufficiently restricted, with a view to further restrictive measures being taken either by legislation on the lines of the Ordinance recently passed in Hong Kong or otherwise.