§ DR. CAMERON (Glasgow, College)I wish to ask the Leader of the House a question arising out of an incident which took place at the close of the Sitting last night. I refer to the Post Office Bill. That Bill was not opposed in consequence of the promise of the Chancellor of the Exchequer not to proceed with the Committee stage of the Bill until time has been afforded for putting down Amendments. I see the Bill on the Order Paper for this evening, but I hope it will be postponed.
§ *THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. W. H. SMITH,) Strand, WestminsterThe Bill will not be taken this evening, but postponed for another week. The Public Health Bill will be taken to- 1440 morrow, and I believe it is the wish of the House that the consideration of that measure should be concluded to-morrow. With that view I propose to place a Motion on the Paper only to be used in case the House generally desires that any short interval after 12 o'clock should be devoted to the passing of the Bill. I believe, however, that it is likely to be disposed of before 12 o'clock. One reason why the Government are desirous of seeing the Bill disposed of to-morrow is because it could not be considered again for a considerable period. The Committee stage of the Education Bill will be taken on Monday, and the Government must proceed with it de die in diem until it is disposed of.
§ SIR G. CAMPBELL (&c.) Kirkcaldy,Will the Public Health Bill be the first Order to-morrow?
§ *MR. W. H. SMITHYes, Sir; it will be the first Order.
§ MR. MORTONDoes the Secretary of State for War intend to take Army Vote No. 13 (War Office; Salaries and Miscellaneous Charges) this evening?
§ MR. E. STANHOPECertainly, Sir; I hope to be able to do so.
§ MR. A. O'CONNORWill the right hon. Gentleman afford the House an opportunity of discussing the colonial military contributions? None of the Votes down to-night can raise that question as a direct issue.
§ MR. E. STANHOPEThat is a point I have not yet considered. I will look into the subject, and see whether there are any means of complying with the suggestion.
§ MR. G. OSBORNE MORGAN (Denbighshire, E.)Will Vote 6 (Transport and Remounts) be taken this evening?
§ MR. E. STANHOPECertainly.
§ DR. CAMERONI should like to call attention to the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill, in which many of my constituents are interested, and to suggest that its consideration should be postponed. The Bill was printed only on Saturday last.
§ *MR. W. H. SMITHThe Bill will be postponed for a few days.
§ MR. SEXTONIt would be convenient for the Irish Members to know when the Education Resolution for Ireland will be submitted.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURIt is at present impossible to state when the Resolution 1441 will be submitted, as the amount of money may be modified by the Bill now before the House.