HC Deb 23 June 1891 vol 354 c1204
MR. PROVAND (Glasgow, Blackfriars)

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate if his attention has been drawn to a lottery which, under the name of a subscription sale, took place in the public school at Kilmaurs, on Wednesday, the 6th ultimo, at which a colt, a pony, a trap, and harness, and a cow, with other prizes, were drawn for; and if this so-called subscription sale was an offence against the Lottery Act; and, if so, will he instruct the Procurator Fiscal to take proceedings against the promoters; and if not, would he state what are his reasons for declining to do so?


My attention was first called to this matter by the question of the hon. Member. On inquiry, I find the facts are correct, the object of the sale being to and the funds of the Town Hall at Kilmaurs. As I stated in this House on the 30th April, certain lotteries are rendered illegal by Statute, but the Public Prosecutor has always exercised a discretion as to the classes of lotteries which are fit subjects for prosecution, and I do not consider this to be a case calling for my intervention.