HC Deb 22 June 1891 vol 354 cc1075-6

Perhaps the Chancellor of the Exchequer may be able to give the House some indication as to the order of business during the later portion of the week. I may draw attention to the fact that the first Notice for to-morrow is a Motion of the hon. Member for Stockport (Mr. Jennings) expressing the opinion that it is desirable steps should be taken with a view to the adoption of regulations as to the immigration of foreign destitute paupers. I wish to know whether the Government intend to adhere to their right to take to-morrow for other business; and, if so, whether the Chancellor of the Exchequer will undertake that an opportunity shall be afforded to the House for expressing an opinion on this subject, in respect of which there is an increasing popular feeling. Will the Government afford an opportunity for a full discussion?


I am afraid that the Government cannot give the undertaking which the right hon. Gentleman desires. The Government must take to-morrow for other business, and they cannot pledge themselves as to when the subject indicated may be brought before the House.


What course is proposed to be taken in regard to Order No. 5 on the Paper—the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill? The question is one of considerable importance to the shipowning community, as regulating the conditions under which cattle are to be shipped. My shipowning constituents are anxious that it should not be pressed forward until they have had time to examine the Bill. I therefore hope that it will not be taken to-night.


The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill will not be taken before Thursday. Assuming that the Second Reading stage of the Education Bill is concluded to-morrow evening the Army Estimates will be taken on Wednesday, and on Thursday the Committee stage of the Education Bill.

MR. J. MORLEY (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

I think that one day is a very short time to allow of Amendments being put down on the Education Bill.


I would also ask for more time.


I will report what has passed to my right hon. Friend the First Lord of the Treasury, who will be in his place to-morrow, and who, no doubt, will consider what the general wish of the House is. I may point out, however, that the Government are pressed from one quarter to proceed with the Bill de die in diem as soon as it is before the House.


On the contrary, the statement was that the Bill should be proceeded with de die in diem after the Committee stage had begun.