HC Deb 11 June 1891 vol 354 c170

I wish, Sir, to ask you a question as to the interruption of the business of the House by the entrance of Black Rod. On a previous occasion this Session there was some discussion respecting the time when messages should be received from the House of Lords. At that time we understood that you hoped some arrangement would be come to by which these invasions would take place at opportune moments. May the House hope that such an arrangement will be made?


Immediately after the House objected to what the hon. Gentleman called "invasions" of the House by an Officer of the other House. I communicated with the Officers of the House of Lords, saying that I hoped some arrangement would be made by which the House of Commons would in future be put to the least possible inconvenience and interruption in regard to its proceedings. To-day, however, owing to the way in which the time of the Lord Chancellor has been occupied, the message from the other House has arrived at a later hour than had been anticipated. I had hoped that Black Rod would have arrived before half-past 3 o'clock, when the consideration of questions is entered upon. I shall endeavour, for the convenience of the House, to see whether an arrangement of that kind can be made.

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