HC Deb 31 July 1891 vol 356 c925
MR. LLOYD-GEORGE&c.) (Carnarvon,

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether, in prosecuting the inquiry he has promised to make into the royalties charged upon Crown quarries in Carnarvonshire, he will give directions that Mr. Forster Brown shall investigate the grievances of the quarry owners by paying a visit to the quarries in question; and whether he will also give instructions that notice shall be given to the quarry owners interested in the inquiry of the date of such visit, in order to afford them an opportunity of laying their case before the Crown Surveyor?


A Memorial addressed to the Commissioners of Woods by the lessees of seven Crown slate quarries in Carnarvonshire was received at the Office of Woods yesterday. According to ordinary practice, this Memorial will be referred to Mr. Forster Brown to examine and report on. There will be no objection to giving the Memorialists an opportunity of representing their views to Mr. Forster Brown.