HC Deb 28 July 1891 vol 356 c559
DR. CLARK (Caithness)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that Mr. T. H. Stockwell, an official in the Telegraph Department of the General Post Office, has been for same time engaged in the business of a newspaper reporter during official hours; whether he is aware that a communication was forwarded to the Permanent Secretary of the Treasury last April by the Institute of Journalists drawing attention to this matter, and enclosing affidavits and letters in proof of the facts alleged; and whether it is the case that Mr. Stockwell continues to carry on the business of a newspaper reporter during official hours, notwithstanding that attention has thus been called to this breach of the regulations; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any steps to ensure the observance of the regulations?


I am not aware that Mr. Stockwell has been engaged as a newspaper reporter during official hours. On the contrary, I am assured by that gentleman that he has not carried on such business during official hours, and does not do so now. A representation such as the hon. Member describes has, I am aware, been forwarded to the Treasury by the Institute of Journalists, though I am not aware what claim these gentlemen have to address the Treasury on the subject.