HC Deb 27 July 1891 vol 356 cc409-10
MR. SYDNEY BUXTON (Tower Hamlets, Poplar)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that, in connection with the new contract held by Messrs. Bramble Brothers for works and repairs of barracks, forts, &c, at Portsmouth, the rates of wages paid by them are for all mechanics at the rate of 6d., and for labourers at the rate of 3½d. per hour, whereas the rates of wages generally accepted and paid in Portsmouth are for mechanics 6½d. to 7d., and for labourers 4½d. an hour; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take in order to carry out the Resolution of this House of 13th February, that under future Government contracts the rates of wages paid should be those generally accepted as current in each trade for competent workmen?


Messrs. Bramble, the contractors for barracks, forts, &c, at Portsmouth, undertook to pay the wages generally paid in the district, and I have not received any notice from persons concerned that Messrs. Bramble have not fulfilled their pledge.


I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he is aware that Messrs. Turner & Co., who have taken a contract for work at Buckingham Palace, have sub-let a portion of the work to Messrs. Parker & Co.; and that, in connection with work under this contract, the mechanics employed are being paid at the rate of 8½d. and their labourers at the rate of 5½d. per hour, which is less than the rate of wages generally accepted as current in each trade for competent workmen; and what steps he proposes to take, in regard to this contract, to carry out the Resolution of the House of 13th February?


I have ascertained that there is a small piece of work, the cost of which is, I understand, less than £50, being executed by Messrs. Turner & Co. at Buckingham Palace. It is not a Government contract, nor is it to be paid for out of any moneys voted by Parliament. I have, therefore, no authority to inquire what wages are paid to the mechanics or labourers engaged upon the work, nor do I know.


I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that A. Lethbridge, contractor for work at the Royal William Victualling Yard, Stonehouse, Devon, sub-let the painting to William Randel and Prowse, of Plymouth; and what was the minimum rate of wages paid by Mr. Lethbridge to the men employed under his contract for the different classes of labour?


The contract with Mr. Lethbridge for work at the Royal William Victualling Yard, Stone-house, was for a lump sum of £745, including £52 for painting. No authority was given for sub-letting the painting or any part of the work, and it was believed at the time that the painting was being done by the contractor's own men. Further inquiry will be made. The contract being for a lump sum, the rate of wages paid by the contractor to his workmen was not reported to the Admiralty.