§ DR. TANNERI beg to ask the Attorney General for Ireland whether his attention has been called to the alleged statement of Mr. H. Gregory, recently appointed a District Inspector under the Seed Supply Act, in telling the rural Guardians of Limerick that hundreds of tons of Irish potatoes have already been sent over to Scotland to be again imported into Ireland as Scotch grown potatoes, and whether some attempt will be made to prevent stopping the supply of all seed not proved genuine?
§ MR. MADDENThe Inspectors appointed under the Seed Potatoes Supply (Ireland) Act, 1890, recently warned all Boards of Guardians by circular that large quantities of potatoes were being exported from the North of Ireland to Glasgow. The District Inspectors were similarly informed. The Inspectors had previously required Boards of Guardians to insist that the districts in which potatoes tendered were grown should be stated in the form of tender. An Inspector was some time ago appointed whose special duty it is to endeavour to prevent any attempt to practise the fraud mentioned in the question, if any such attempt should be repeated.