HC Deb 26 February 1891 vol 350 cc1697-8

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, upon the Budget, he will lay upon the Table a Return showing what sums of money have been expended in each year (including the current financial year) under "The Imperial Defence Act, 1888," "The Naval Defence Act, 1889," "The Barracks Act, 1890," and stating in what manner the moneys so expended have been provided; also showing how the sum of,£4,570,900, which was the estimated excess of the Army and Navy Expenditure for 1890–91 over the moneys which (as shown in Return, No. 200, 1890) has been provided, and how much debt is now outstanding in respect of moneys raised under the above-mentioned Acts; and also a statement of the sum which it is estimated will be required under the same Acts in the coming year, and the manner in which it is proposed to raise them?


Yes, Sir, I will in due time, in connection with the Budget, lay a Return upon the Table, showing the amounts expended in each year under the Imperial Defence Act, the Naval Defence Act, and the Barracks Act, how the moneys have been provided, and how much debt is outstanding in respect of these amounts. I shall also be able to state the sums estimated to be required under the same Acts in the coming year. I am not prepared to tie my hands by pledging myself to the exact manner in which these sums will be raised, but I shall be able to indicate generally the alternatives. I shall also take an opportunity of showing how any part of the estimated excess on the Army and Navy expenditure for 1890–91 was actually provided for.


As the right hon. Gentleman is in the habit, like his predecessors, of supplying a printed paper before the Budget Statement is made, will he supply this information on the morning or day before the Budget?


I will consider the matter.