HC Deb 26 February 1891 vol 350 c1712
MR. E. SPENCER (West Bromwich)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any confirmatory news of the battle which the evening papers state to have been fought in Chili, on the 15th, 17th, and 18th inst., and of the fact also stated that no foreign residents have been killed, and that much loss of life and damage to property was avoided by the presence of the English warships Warspite, Espiègle, and Pheasant, under the command of Admiral Hotham?


The last official news received by Her Majesty's Government respecting Iquique is, I believe, up to the 20th inst., and is generally as regards affairs similar to those given in the paragraph which my hon. Friend showed to me. In the telegram which was from the naval Commander-in-Chief to the Admiralty there was no mention of the British or other foreign residents, from which I think it may be presumed that they have been unmolested. There has been also to-day a telegram from Her Majesty's Minister at Santiago, dated the 24th. The Commander-in-Chief will remain on the coast in the meantime for the protection of British interests.