Address for—
Returns of the names of the Members of the Council of India, with dates of appointment according to seniority, stating in succession to whom appointed, and ages last birthday; whether having served or resided any time in India, and, if in the service, in what branch, and from and to what rates; the annual amount of any pay, pension, civil fund, or other allowance now received for such Indian Service; the salary and allowance received as Member of the Council; the total annual receipt of each from the Indian Treasury.
Of the Secretaries of the several Correspondence Departments, and of the Accountant General, Director General of Stores, Government Directors of Indian Railways, Director of Funds and Agent to the Administrators General of India, Registrar and Superintendent of Records, Librarian, and Auditor of the Accounts of the Secretary of State in Council.
And, of the different Committees the Council is divided into, and of the Names of the Members of each Committee, with the dates of their appointment thereto (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper (East India Council) No. 224, of Session 1877)."—(Mr. Hurt.)