§ MR. FURNESS (Hartlepool)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the serious inconvenience caused to shipowners through the uncertainty with regard to No. 12 of the General Rules of the Board of Trade, under "The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances) Act, 1888;" whether, though the Rules came into operation on 1st November last, no decision has yet been arrived at by the Board with regard to the application of the said Rule 12; 498 when the Committee on Bulkheads, appointed to inquire into the matter, is expected to report; and whether the Report, when presented, will be laid upon the Table of the House?
§ SIR M. HICKS BEACHThe General Rule No. 12 under the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances) Act, to which the hon. Member refers, is as follows:—
12. Watertight compartments.—When ships of any class are divided into efficient compartments to the satisfaction of the Board of Trade they shall only be required to carry additional boats, rafts, and other life-saving appliances of one half of the capacity required by these Rules.The Board of Trade are not in a position to arrive at a decision with regard to this Rule until they receive the Report of the Bulkheads Committee appointed to inquire into the matter. This, I hope, will be about the end of next month. The Report, when received, will be laid on the Table of the House.