§ (4.26.) Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House do meet to-morrow at two of the clock.—(Mr. William Henry Smith.)
§ (4.27.) MR. HENEAGE (Grimsby)I for one feel bound to protest against this Motion. I do not know whether it is moved in the interest of the officers of the House or of hon. Members. So far as the officials are concerned they can attend service and yet be here at 12 o'clock; and it is quite certain that so far as the occupants of the Treasury Bench are concerned they would not be here at 12 o'clock in any case. There is an important subject to be debated to-morrow, and although I should be prepared to take a Division upon it at once, as there is nothing new to be said upon it, I am afraid that all the time available will be required.
§ (4.28.) MR. PICTON (Leicester)This annual Motion is simply an ancient and hollow formality. I think there ought to be a Return of the number of Members of the House of Commons who go to church on Ash Wednesday. If it is found that a majority or any considerable number do attend, there might, perhaps, be some reason for the Motion. But everyone knows without any Return at all that the contrary is the fact. No doubt there may be a few here and there who go to church, and I not only respect their ideas on the subject, but I honour them. The vast majority, however, do not go, and I, for one, feel bound to protest against the Motion as a sham.
§ (4.29.) The House divided:—Ayes 226; Noes 135.—(Div. List, No. 45.)