HC Deb 03 August 1891 vol 356 cc1115-6

Return ordered, showing— (1.) Gross annual amount of Tithe Rent-charge vested in the Church Temporalities Commissioners by the Irish Church Act of 1869, including (a) the annual amount of same as originally ascertained, and (b) the additions made thereto by subsequent investigations or proceedings down to the 31st day of March 1801; and Number of separate accounts of Tithe Rent-charge represented by the total amount in foregoing paragraph: (2.) Gross annual amount of Tithe Rent-charge sold for cash between the first day of January 1871 and the 31st day of March 1891; number of separate rent-charges sold; amount of purchase money received for same; amount deducted from gross annual amount of same for poor rate; net annual amount of Tithe Rent-charge sold for cash to the 31st day of March 1891: (3.) Gross annual amount of Tithe Rent-charge converted into Terminable Annuities down to the 31st day of March 1891; gross annual rental of said annuities; number of separate annuities; capital value of purchase money of same; amount deducted from gross annual amount of same for poor rate; net annual amount of Tithe Rent-charge converted into Terminable Annuities down to the 31st day of March 1891: (4.) Gross annual amount of Terminable Annuities redeemed in full down to the 31st day of March 1891; total capital sum paid for redemption of same; number of separate annuities redeemed: (5.) Gross annual rental from Tithe Rent-charge at 31st day of March 1801; gross annual rental from fixed annual Instalments at 31st day of March 1891; outstanding capital value, calculated to the 1st day of May 1891, of all Terminable Annuities for Tithe Rent-charge on the books of the Land Commission on the 31st day of March 1891; original capital value or purchase money of same."—(Mr. Penrose FitzGerald.)