HC Deb 30 April 1891 vol 352 c1757
MR. WINTERBOTHAM (Gloucester, Cirencester)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to circumstances connected with the election of Guardians for the Parish of Clapton, Gloucestershire; whether he is aware that Mr. Thomas Stephens, the successful candidate, received the support of 16 voters, and by the plural vote defeated Mr. N. Jenkins, who received the support of 18 voters; and that Mr. Thomas Stephens signed as witness the voting papers, of two of his supporters who were only able to make a mark; and whether such voting papers were legal, and ought to have been counted; if so, whether a procedure so open to abuse can be altered?


I have asked the Returning Officer for information as to the election referred to. Mr. Stephens, the successful candidate, received 23 votes, and Mr. Jenkins 19. It is the case that Mr. Stephens signed as a witness the voting papers of two of his supporters who were only able to make a mark; but independently of these votes, Mr. Stephens had a majority of the votes given. I think that it is inexpedient that a candidate should witness the voting papers of persons who are unable to write. At the same time, I may observe that there is no suggestion that the votes in the voting papers as marked were not given for the candidates for whom the voters desired to vote, and the fact that the voting papers were so witnessed does not, in my opinion, render the votes invalid. No facts have come within my knowledge which appear to render it necessary that the law should be altered in this respect, but the point shall be considered when an opportunity offers