§ MR. G. OSBORNE MORGAN (Denbighshire, E.)I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether it is the fact that all letters and newspapers passing between the United Kingdom and Canada have now to be despatched viâ New York, with the result that in some cases a 1165 higher rate of postage is charged; and whether this arrangement, under which our largest colony is cut off from direct communication with the Mother Country, is likely to be of a permanent character?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES, Cambridge University)The Canadian mails were carried by the Allan Line under a contract with the Canadian Government, and my Department has no responsibility with reference to its sudden termination. This action has been taken entirely by the Dominion Government, by whom the contract was negotiated, and who I am given to understand have not found it possible to agree upon a renewal at present. In the meantime, the Mail Service with Canada must necessarily, under present circumstances, be carried on viâ New York; but so far as the public in this country are concerned, they will be charged no additional rates of postage.