DR. CAMERONI have put a question on the Paper—to ask the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been called to the fact that at the trial of 12 Lewis cottars, under the Trespass Act, for raids upon Orinsay and Stimrenay, the prosecuting Procurator Fiscal was Mr. John Ross, the private agent of Lady Matheson, proprietrix, and Mr. J. Martin, tenant, of the localities in respect of which the trespass was charged; and whether, considering the repeated declarations of Scottish Law Officers in this House as to the undesirability of Public Prosecutors, where it can be avoided, being allowed to engage in private practice, he will direct regular Procurator Fiscal Mr. William Ross to act personally in any other cases arising out of the recent raids? At the request of the right hon. Gentleman, I beg to postpone the question until to-morrow.