HC Deb 22 May 1890 vol 344 c1591
MR. GOURLEY (Sunderland)

I would ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether it is correct that there are to be combined naval and military manoeuvres off Dover during Whitsuntide; if so, will he state how many ships and troops are to be employed, and the intended nature of the tactics; and whether it is true that the Channel and reserve squadrons are to take part in the combined German naval and military manoeuvres which it is reported are to be held in the Baltic in the autumn?LORD G. HAMILTON: Arrangements have been made for carrying out certain manoeuvres in the neighbourhood of Dover at Whitsuntide, in which the Navy will take part; and four of Her Majesty's ships have been ordered to be at Dover on the 26th inst. I am unable to say what the exact nature of the combined operations will be, but the senior naval officer has received directions to communicate with the officer commanding the South-Eastern District as to the part the Navy are to take on the occasion. There is no truth in the rumours alluded to in the second part of the question.