§ MR. SCHWANNI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the telegram in the Daily News of 12th May, with reference to Hassan Bey, the Turkish officer who outraged Marie Panandaki, to the following effect:—
Canea, 8th May.No reparation having been made to the girl who was recently outraged by a Turkish officer, the Russian Consul has made a protest against the action taken by the Magistrate in the matter;whether the English Consul has added his protest and reported the circumstance as promised; and whether the Foreign Office will draw the attention of the British Ambassador at the Porte to the facts of the case and insist on the due punishment of the offender?
§ *SIR J. FERGUSSONNothing in connection with this grave case has occurred to render expedient any representation at the Porte. Her Majesty's Consul has specially watched the proceedings in regard to it, and reported the arrest of the accused officer and his relegation for trial to the ordinary tribunals. It would be inconsistent with the whole course of administration by the present Governor General of Crete were there to be any failure by the Authorities to deal impartially with the case; and Her Majesty's Government can depend upon the Report of their own Representative concerning it.