HC Deb 08 May 1890 vol 344 c457

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he can inform the House what is the net profit to the country of the Postal Services, and what proportion of this profit is due to the Homo Postal Service and what to the Foreign and Colonial?


The net profit to the country upon the Post Office for the year 1888–89 was £3,039,874, as given in the Appendix Q, page 61, of the Postmaster General's Report, 1889. It cannot be stated precisely what proportion of this profit is due to the Home Postal Service and what to the Foreign and Colonial Services; but from a Return which I have before me I find that the estimated present Imperial loss on the Colonial Sea Services amounts to about £254,000 a year, and this loss is independent and apart from the loss on Foreign Mail Services, on which I have no precise information.

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