§ MR. S. HOARE (Norwich)I beg to ask the hon. Member for Penrith whether the Charity Commissioners will re-consider those provisions of the scheme for the regulation of Doughty's and other Associated Charitiesat Norwich, by which the receipt of Poor Law relief within a stated period prior to appointment is made a disqualification for admission to the almshouses of the Charities, with a view to the reduction of the period so prescribed?
MR. J. W. LOWTHER (Cumberland, Penrith)The Charity Commissioners will be prepared, upon receipt of a proper application, to re-consider the provisions of the scheme for Doughty's and other associated Charities at Norwich, with a view to reducing from three years to one year the period of disqualification for admission to the almshouses.
§ MR. J. J. COLMAN (Norwich)Will the Charity Commissioners assent to the printing, as a Parliamentary Paper, of the correspondence between the Corporation of Norwich and themselves?
MR. J. W. LOWTHERI think, perhaps, it may meet the views of the hon. Member if he is supplied with a copy of the correspondence which has taken place. The matter is hardly of sufficient public interest to justify us in going to the expense of printing the whole of the correspondence. If the hon. Member will communicate with the Office he can see the file, and a copy will be supplied to him of the correspondence. He can then make what use of it he likes.
§ MR. J. J. COLMANI have the correspondence; I wish it printed as a Parliamentary Paper. I intend, hereafter, to move for it; and I should like to know if the Commissioners will assent to the Motion?
MR. J. W. LOWTHERI do not think we have any objection, except on the ground of expense. The matter is not of exciting public interest, and the Treasury may object to accede to the hon. Gentleman's demand.