HC Deb 31 March 1890 vol 343 c273

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, inasmuch as originating notices served in 1887 by tenants in the County Sligo are still undisposed of, why the Land Commissioners departed from their practice hitherto of holding sittings in December as well as in July; and when the next sittings will be held? May I further ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, as he now proposes to proceed with the Land Purchase Bill, it is not desirable to expedite these proceedings?


Yes; I think it is desirable that the proceedings of the Court should be carried on as rapidly as possible; but I do not know that that is a matter which is directly affected by the Land Purchase Bill. In regard to the particular question on the Paper, the Land Commissioners report that no fixed rule has ever existed for holding sittings of Sub-Commissions at regular intervals or at specified periods of the year. The Commissioners are using every exertion to have the remaining-applications received in the closing months of 1887 cleared off with every possible expedition.