HC Deb 31 March 1890 vol 343 cc279-80

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the lately-contemplated evictions on the Stewart and Swiney Estates in County Donegal have been abandoned in deference to any suggestions made on the part of the Irish Executive; whether like suggestions were made to the agent of the Olphert Estate; and, if so, by whom, and what was his reply; how many families have been evicted on the-Olphert Estate during the past week; and how many evictions were abandoned and by whose authority, and for what cause they were abandoned?


No suggestions as to the abandonment of evictions on any of the estates mentioned have been made by the Government, nor have I any reason to believe that the evictions on the Stewart and Swiney Estates have been abandoned, although it would seem that they have been for the most part deferred. I understand that one decree was executed on the Swiney Estate last week; 67 families were evicted on the Olphert Estate, all of whom, except those who were sub tenants, had joined the Plan of Campaign and paid money into-the war chest instead of to the landlord. Four evictions were abandoned at the instance of the agent to the property, owing in one case to the tenant having died the previous day, and in the other cases to the opinion of the military doctor present, that the inmates of the houses concerned wore unfit for removal through illness.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a telegram was. sent by the agent of the Olphert Estate to the District Inspector, threatening that he would carry out evictions himself next week if protection was not afforded, and why did he threaten to do this?


I know nothing whatever about. the telegram. It appears as if it has been stolen.


Without discussing that question, I may say that, whether stolen or not, it is not forged. I beg to give notice that after the Easter Recess I will call attention more specifically to the evictions on this estate.