Address for—
Return showing (i.) in the case of Factories and Workshop?, the number of Accidents which were reported to the Inspectors in the year ended the 31st day of October 1880, under Section 31 of 'The Factory and Workshop Act. 1878,' as having happened to persons employed in Factories and Workshops under the Act, distinguishing between fatal and non-fatal Accidents, giving separately the numbers for Factories and Workshops and the nature of the various employments in which the Accidents occurred, and stating the numbers of the persons employed in all Factories: (i.) in the case of Railways, the number of Servants of Railway Companies reported daring the year ended the 31st day of December 1889, under Section 6 of 'The Regulation of Railways Act, 1871,' as having met with Accidents caused by the travelling of trains or the movement of vehicles used exclusively upon Railways. and also the number of Servants of Companies reported during the same period under the same section as having met with Accidents in which the movement of vehicles used exclusively upon Railways was not concerned, distinguishing between fatal and non-fatal Accidents, classifying as far as possible the occupations of the Servants of Companies killed and 'injured. and stating the number of the Persons employed by such Companies; and (ii.) in the ease of Mines, the number of Accidents in the year ended the 31st day of December 1889 to persons employed in Mines, under 35 and 30 Vic. c. 77, and 50 and 51 Vic, c. 58, of which notice has been received by the Inspectors under Sections 11 and 35 of those Acts respectively distinguishing between fatal and non-fatal Accidents, specifying the class of the Mines in which the Accidents occurred, and the number of persons employed in each class of Mines during the year."—(Sir William Plowden.)