§ MR. BROADHURST (Nottingham, W.)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what action the Government proposes to take with regard to the case of the Marine, named Page, belonging to Her Majesty's Ship Cockatrice, who was recently murdered by some Roumanian soldiers?
§ * SIR J. FERGUSSONA despatch was received on the 21st instant from the British acting Charge d'Affaires at Bucharest relative to this murder, and it was also reported through the Admiralty. The Commander of the Cockatrice and the British Vice Consul have watched the proceedings taken by the authorities in the case. Several persons are in custody, and as they are amenable to Military Law the case will be dealt with by Court Martial. If if should be considered desirable to employ a Roumanian advocate to watch the case on behalf of the Admiralty the British Charge d'Affaires will be authorised to retain the services of one.