HC Deb 20 March 1890 vol 342 c1256

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that Alfred Humphries, one of the telegraph officials at Cardiff, was on Tuesday last suspended for acting as secretary of the Telegraph Clerks' Association at Cardiff; and, if not for that reason, will he state why he was suspended; whether the two previous secretaries of the same Associations have lately been removed from Cardiff; and whether it is his intention to remove or suspend all those telegraph officials whom he may discover to be members of similar Associations?


Mr. Alfred Humphries was on Tuesday last suspended for refusing to obey my orders, conveyed to him through the Postmaster at Cardiff. A more appropriate punishment for this act of insubordination would have been his summary dismissal; but, having regard to the youth and inexperience of the offender, and being anxious to maintain as long as I possibly am the forbearance which I have hitherto exercised in dealing with the Cardiff telegraphists, I have preferred to afford him an opportunity of re-considering his conduct. Mr. Humphries was not suspended for acting as secretary to the Body referred to by the hon. Member. I have no cognisance of any such Association, or its officers. Nor have I taken, nor do I propose to take, any steps against the members of such Associations on account of their membership, though I am compelled to take proper notice of any offences against discipline in the case of the individuals committing them.

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