HC Deb 14 March 1890 vol 342 c881
MR. H. S. WRIGHT (Nottingham, S.)

I desire to ask the hon. Member for East Nottingham (Mr. A. Morley) a question of which I have given him private notice, namely, whether he is correctly reported as having said at a public meeting on Wednesday night— That they (the Government) had been so accustomed to the odious and hateful system of jury packing in Ireland, that they even packed the tribunal before which Mr. Parnell was to be tried with Judges of their own selection.

MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)

I rise to order, Sir. I wish to ask your ruling on this very important matter. Will it not be possible, if this question is allowed, for any hon. Member to put a question to any other hon. Member as to whether he is correctly reported in the case of any speech he may have made?


I think there should be a limitation on questions of this kind, The practice would be inconvenient, and might give rise to a series of questions of a similar nature.