HC Deb 14 March 1890 vol 342 cc871-2

I bog to ask the Postmaster General whether, considering the grievances complained of by the telegraph clerks, he will consent to receive a deputation from that body to hear their case stated, and with the view to have redressed any grievances which may be found to exist?


The hon. Member must be aware that if any body of officers wish to ask me to receive a deputation their proper course is to make their application to me in the prescribed manner, and not by means of a question addressed to me in this House. I think it is very much to be regretted that any officers in the service of the State should go out of their way to suggest any feeling of antagonism between themselves and their superior officers, and I must be understood to reserve to myself full discretion as to the course which I may consider it my duty to adopt in dealing with administrative questions affecting the services under my control.


Do I understand that because this request is made by a Member of Parliament the right hon. Gentleman refuses to receive a deputation?


No, I did not say so. I said that when the request comes before mo in a regular manner will be the time to exercise a discretion in regard to it.


Does the right hon. Gentleman refuse to say now whether or not he will refuse a deputation?

* MR. C. GRAHAM (Lanark, N.W.)

Will the right hon. Gentleman receive a deputation from these persons who, whether rightly or wrongly, conceive that they have a grievance?


I am quite prepared to consider any application when it is made in a proper manner to the Department, but I must respectfully decline to answer improper questions made through Members of this House.

MR. O'HANLON (Cavan, E.)

Will the right hon. Gentleman say how many flights of stairs postmen have to travel up and down during the day?


Order, order!