Returns ordered—
Of the number of Licenses for the sale of Intoxicating Liquors, whether issued under the authority of Magistrates' certificates or by Officers of Excise in each City, Royal or Municipal Burgh, and County in Scotland, arranged as follows:—
- (1.) For inns and hotels;
- (2.) For public-houses;
- (3.) For dealers in Exciseable Liquors and grocers and provision dealers trading in Exciseable Liquors;
- (4.) For sale of table beer;
- (5.) Excise Licenses granted for the sale of Exciseable Liquors, without Magistrates' certificates being previously obtained, to be tabulated:"
And, of the number of special permissions granted by the Magistrates or Justices under the authority of section six of 'The Public-Houses Amendment Act, 1862,' during each of the two years immediately preceding the passing of 'The Public Houses, Hours of Closing (Scotland) Act, 1887,' and during each of the two years immediately succeeding the passing 727 of that Act, in each City, Royal or Municipal Burgh, and County in Scotland respectively:—
Name of City, Royal or Municipal Burgh, or County. |
Population, Census 1881. |
Inns and hotels. |
Public-Houses. |
Grocers' Licenses. |
Table Beer Licenses. |
Excise Licenses without Magistrates' certificates. |
Special Licenses. |
Total number of Licenses issued. |
Number for each thousand of the population. |
§ "The Returns for the Counties to be tabulated separately from those for the Cities and Burghs."—(Mr. Leng.)