HC Deb 11 March 1890 vol 342 c615

Return ordered— (In continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 36, of Session 1884), respecting the Duties on Spirits, Wine, Malt, and Beer, &c, together with the Duty on Tobacco and the Excise Licenses Duties, in order to show, as nearly as can be ascertained, the Proportions of the several Items of Revenue derived from England, Scotland, and Ireland respectively, for the year ending the 31st day of March, 1889 (or the latest financial year for which the information can he given), and the Results for each of the three Kingdoms: Return to be divided in the same manner, between England, Scotland, and Ireland respectively, showing the produce of each of the other sources of Revenue, as nearly as can be ascertained, derived from Taxation (the Income Tax on the Salaries of Persons in the Service of Government not to be included): and a Summary to be given by adding the Results of both Divisions together: And, the Population of England, Scotland, and Ireland respectively, as estimated by the Registrar General for the middle of 1888, together with the number of Members of Parliament which each of the three Kingdoms would obtain if the 670 Members were allotted according to the Population of each. [Notes to be added to the Return to point out any Items in which the Net Revenue for each of the three Kingdoms cannot be distinguished]."—(Mr. Provand.)