§ MR. SYDNEY GEDGE (Stockport)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State far the Colonies whether the Royal Assent has been given to the Victorian (Australia) Divorce Bill; and if not, whether that consent will be withheld until this House has had the opportunity of expressing its views on the question?
§ * MR. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)Before the right hon. Gentleman answers the question I should like to ask whether he sees any reason to recommend any interference on the part of Her Majesty with the decision come to by the Colonial Government?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES (Baron H. de WORMS,) Liverpool, East ToxtethThe Government of Victoria have been informed that Her Majesty will be advised to assent to the Divorce Bill; and it would be an infringement of the Constitution of that Colon) to submit to this House the question whether consent to the legislation of its Parliament should be given or withheld.
§ * MR. S. GEDGEThe subject is of such far-reaching importance that I will give the Government an opportunity, probably on the Colonial Vote, of fully explaining their position.
§ MR. HENNIKER HEATON (Canterbury)Have the Government any objection to lay upon the Table a copy of the law in question?
§ BARON H. DE WORMSI have no ob-tion to lay it upon the Table.