HC Deb 10 March 1890 vol 342 c332
MR. CLANCY (Dublin, Co., N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury what progress has been made with the work of clearing out the harbour of Howth; how many days have been spent in repairing the dredger employed in the work, and what has been the cost of repairing it; whether the cost has been defrayed out of the sum voted by Parliament for improving the harbour; and whether instructions have been or will be given for deepening the east side of the harbour where boats are usually moored as well as the entrance?


The entrance to Howth Harbour has been deepened fully to the original depth, namely, 10 ft. low water springtides; and I am informed that the largest fishing lugger frequenting the port has, since the deepening, entered it at low water of an extraordinary spring tide. There is, however, a small quantity of work still unfinished, which is expected to be completed before the end of the present month. The repairs and renewals of plant for the last 19 months have cost rather more than £500, which has been charged to the Vote for Howth Harbour. It is not intended to deepen the eastern side of the harbour.


Is the money taken from the sum voted by Parliament for improving the harbour?

