§ MR. J. O'CONNORI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether it is a fact that, on the 11th instant, during the night, the police burnt down a green flag which was on a flag-staff at New Tipperary; whether it was replaced, on the night of the 15th, by a flag, which was seized and carried of£ on the 16th; what authority have the police for taking what does not belong to them; is it legal for the police to do so; and will he inquire into the circumstances of the seizures with the view of preventing their recurrence?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURThe Constabulary Authorities report that it is the case that the police removed the pole and flag on each of the days mentioned, but it is not the case the poles were erected at New Tipperary. They were in Henry Street, Old Tipperary. The police removed the pole and flag because it was an obstruction. When it was replaced on the night of the 14th, they warned the people living in the vicinity that it should be removed. The police took it with them because nobody claimed it, and it could not be loft lying on the street. The police acted legally in the discharge of their duty.
§ MR. BRADLAUGH (Northampton)Can the hon. Gentleman say whether some delay has been caused because the Chief Registrar devoted part of his Report to criticisms of the proceedings of the Select Committee last year?
§ SIR H. MAXWELLNo, Sir. I think those criticisms were necessary.