§ (12.7.) Order for Committee read.
§ DR. TANNERI object.
§ MR. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)I hope the hon. Member will not press his objection.
§ DR. TANNERI object. I must do so, for the simple reason that a great many objections have been raised to the Bill. I think the hon. Member in charge of it would do wisely to get it referred to a Select Committee.
§ (12.8.) MR. SEXTONI hope my hon. Friend will allow this Bill to proceed. There are about 3,000 persons in Ireland interested in the trade. The matter has been the subject of negotiations between the bodies interested, and the questions of difference have been fined down to a very small point; while my hon. Friend the Member for North Longford has agreed to postpone the Amendment standing in his name. I hope my hon. Friend the Member for Mid Cork will not make himself the sole opponent in this House of a very useful Bill.
§ (12.9.) DR. TANNERI have heard from so many medical gentlemen in Ireland specific objections to this Bill that it is solely on that ground I object. 1447 I would with the greatest possible pleasure allow the Bill to go through if I could conscientiously do so, but I must really object on the present occasion.
§ (12.10.) MR. T.M. HEALYI would suggest: to the hon. Member that his Amendments could be brought up on the Report stage.
§ DR. TANNERI must object.
§ Committee deferred till to-morrow.