HC Deb 17 June 1890 vol 345 c1174

Resolutions reported from the Committee.

  1. 1. "That, in the case of the Welling borough and District Tramroads Bill [Lords], the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with:—That the parties be permitted to proceed with their Bill, provided that Clause 54 be struck out of the Bill:—That the Committee on the Bill do report how far such Order has been complied with."
  2. 2. "That, in the case of the Great Eastern Railway Bill, Petition of the 'Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London,' for dispensing with Standing Order 129 in the case of their Petition against the Bill, the said Standing Order ought to be dispensed with."
  3. 3. "That in the case of the Stratford-upon-Avon, Towcester, and Midland Junction Railway, Petition for leave to deposit a Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with. That the parties be permitted to deposit their Petition for a Bill."

Resolutions agreed to.