§ MR. CRILLY (Mayo, N.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury if any decision has as yet been come to by the Treasury as to what line or lines of light railways are to be constructed in Mayo under the Light Railways Act of last year?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. JACKSON,) Leeds, N.Negotiations are going on, and I hope that a satisfactory arrangement may be arrived at.
§ MR. CRILLYSeeing that the chief aim of these schemes was to give employment to the people of the district, and that the spring crops are now cut down, and the people will have nothing to do until harvest time, will the Government endeavour to over come this unaccountable delay in making these lines? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the Mr. Barton, whose line in Donegal is being pushed forward, is the same Mr. Barton who reported upon the line to Belmullet, and why should his schemes be favoured while nothing for Mayo is being favoured?
§ MR. JACKSONIt is obvious that the hon. Member ought to give notice of a question of that kind, containing as it does allegations in which I do not agree.