§ MR. SEXTONI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if he can now say whether the Government intend to ask the House to pass the Land Purchase Bill this year; and what proposal, if any, they will make in regard to the business of the House?
§ MR. W. H. SMITHI have every reason to believe that I shall be in a position to-morrow to make a statement to the House relative to the present condition of public business, and to give notice of proposals for the further facilitation of that business. In that statement will be included the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Bill, and therefore I must ask the hon. Gentleman to defer his question till to-morrow.
§ SIR W. HARCOURTWhat day will be fixed for the discussion of the question of the condition of the Metropolitan Police? The right hon. Gentleman promised to fix a day, and I submit that that day cannot be too early. Further, I would ask whether the correspondence will be laid upon the Table at once with reference to the resignation of Mr. Monro? Of course, the correspondence read by the Home Secretary will be laid, but I refer to further correspondence.
§ MR. W. H. SMITHIt would be more convenient that I should answer the question to-morrow in connection with the other statement that I may have to make.
§ MR. CAINEI wish to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whateer it is in tended to take the Local Taxation Bill from day to day throughout this week?
§ MR. W. H. SMITHI hope so, Sir.
§ MR. BUCHANANMay I ask when the Government Bill relating to police superannuation in Scotland will be introduced, and whether it will be in the hands of hon. Members before the clause 1050 in the Local Taxation Bill comes on for consideration?
§ MR. W. H. SMITHIt is in course of preparation, but I am not able to state the exact day on which it will be introduced.