§ MR. T. HARRINGTON (Dublin, Harbour)I beg to ask the Postmaster General how many vacancies are there in the first class of sorters and overseers in the General Post Office, Dublin; whether it is true that some of these vacancies have existed for 12 months past; and what is the reason for so long a delay in filling them?
A LORD OF THE TREASURY (Sir H.MAXWELL,) WigtonOn behalf of my right hon. Friend the Postmaster General, I have to state that the vacancies in the Dublin Post Office are for overseers three and for first class sorters eight. Of the latter three have existed for 12 months. The delay in filling them has been owing to inability on the part of the authorities in Dublin to recommend members of the lower classes as fully qualified for advancement. The Postmaster General hopes soon to have a more favourable Report.