HC Deb 05 June 1890 vol 345 cc66-7

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the opinion expressed by Sir John Bridge, at Bow Street, on the 22nd ultimo, to the effect that the Aquarium advertisement known as "Zæo" was more or less indecent, and ought not to be exhibited in London, and that, in such a case, the proper course was for the Police Authorities to take action under the Metropolitan Police Acts or the Indecent Advertisements Act, 1889; whether the Chief Commissioner of Police has taken or intends to take any, and if so, what action in the matter; and, if not, whether he himself intends to see that steps are at once taken to prevent the further exhibition in the streets of the advertisement in question?


Yes, Sir; I have seen the statements made by the Chief Magistrate. I understand that the advice finally given by him was that the matter should be allowed to drop. The Commissioner of Police concurs with this view of the matter, and it is not his intention to take any action. I do not myself intend to take steps with regard to ibis advertisement.