HC Deb 31 July 1890 vol 347 cc1467-8

Considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

(12.54.) DR. TANNER

I beg to move, Mr. Chairman, that you do report Progress.


It is impossible for the Government to proceed with this Bill if it is opposed.


My object in moving to report Progress was to obtain an explanation from the Minister in charge of the Bill as to its provisions. I would advise the Chief Secretary to shake off his nonchalance, and to give us some explanation as to what this Bill is intended to do. In the absence of some of my friends who represent the County of Clare, I object to the Bill. If the right hon. Gentleman the Chief Secretary would be advised in time he would take a lesson in Ministerial manners. [Cries of "Order !"] I speak advisedly. I desire to have some explanation of this matter, believing that I am entitled to it. I do not wish to be continually throwing away my time in lecturing the Chief Secretary.


The hon. Member has moved to report Progress, and he must confine himself to that.


Certainly, Sir. I think the Chief Secretary should have offered some explanation of the Bill; and if he had done that, I should have offered no opposition. If my colleagues are satisfied with the Bill I shall say no more.

(12.35.) MR. SEXTON

I must say I think it would have been well if we had had some explanation of the Bill. I notice that the hon. Member for one of the Divisions of Dublin, who had an Amendment on the Paper, has withdrawn that Amendment; and as that hon. Member is thoroughly conversant with this subject, I have a right to assume that his withdrawal implies approval of the Bill. Furthermore, I understand that my hon. Friend the Member for Clare is in favour of the Bill, and, under the circumstances, I trust that the measure will not meet with further opposition from these Benches.

(12.56.) DR. TANNER

I shall certainly offer do further opposition, but I must say I think the Chief Secretary should have explained the Bill.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

Bill reported, as amended, to be considered to-morrow.