MR. TATTON EGERTON (Cheshire. Knutsford)I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the quality of the water supplied by the Grand Junction Water Company, which contained on 24th July 33 per cent, more organic ammonia than the sample taken on 23rd July, 1889, and nearly double the amount of that contained in the Chelsea Water Company's water, namely, 16.4, as against 9.2, per 100 mil.; also the solids, on heating, showed a marked blackening, and the colour was of a marked yellow colour; whether this all indicates bad filtration; and what penalty attaches to supplying water of such an inferior character?
§ * THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. RITCHIE,) Tower Hamlets, St. George'sMy attontion had not been called to the subject before the question appeared. I will make inquiries.
MR. T. EGERTONI hope my right hon. Friend will recognise the urgency of this matter. There is now a large increase of enteric fever in the Metropolis, and this water is nothing but diluted sewage. I hope that a searching inquiry will be made without delay.