Return ordered—
Showing (1) the amounts paid out of the Local Taxation Account to or on behalf of the Council of each Administrative County and County Borough in respect of the local taxation licences and probate duty grant for the financial year ended the 31st day of March,
1890; (2) the amounts paid out of or transferred from the Exchequer Contribution Account of each Council in respect of such licences and grant, distinguishing the several payments and transfers made in pursuance of sections 24, 26, and 43 of The Local Government Act, 1888;' (3) the amounts, if any, remaining in each Exchequer Contribution Account after such payments and transfers have been made, and their application so far as they have yet been applied; (4) the amount paid by the London County Council in respect of the indoor pauper grant under section 43 (I) (b) of 'The Local Government Act, 1888,' for the said year; (5) the amounts paid by each Council in respect of the maintenance, improvement, and repair, during the said year, of main roads, distinguishing the amounts expended on such roads by the Council themselves from the amounts paid by them to Urban Sanitary and other Highway Authorities; and (6) the amounts contributed by each Council during the said year under section 11 (10) of 'The Local Government Act, 1888.'"—(Mr. Hobhouse.)