HC Deb 23 July 1890 vol 347 c609

Resolution [22nd July] reported. That it is expedient to authorise the remission of a loan, made by the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland in respect of Killeany Pier, in pursuance of any Act of the present Session relating to Local Loans.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Committee in the said Resolution."

(12.26.) SIR G. CAMPBELL, &c.) (Kirkcaldy

I presume that it would be of no use seriously to oppose this Resolution, but I have heard no reason stated why it should be passed. Every year we are asked to throw good money after bad for the purpose of inducing the Irish people to submit to a disagreeable rule, and whenever we are asked to wipe off debts it is invariably Irish debts. I find that in this case it is exclusively Irish debts that are dealt with, and I, for one, do not concur in the Vote.

Question put, and agreed to.