HC Deb 22 July 1890 vol 347 c494
MR. WALTER M'LAREN (Cheshire, Crewe)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will explain why he refused to receive a deputation of women, mainly representing the Women's Union, who wished to lay before him certain complaints respecting the conduct of the police, who were stated to have behaved with great harshness to working women during their agitation for better wages; and whether he will re-consider his refusal and receive the deputation?


The Secretary of State in the exercise of his dis cretion did not consider then, and does not consider now, that any public advantage would be gained by his consenting to receive this deputation. Complaints as to assault should be addressed to the Courts of Law, and not to the Secretary of State, who has no power to determine whether or no assaults were committed on particular occasions. The allegations as to the harsh conduct of the police were duly referred to the Commissioner of Police, and his Report shows that every care was taken by the police to avoid rough usage, and that they in no way exceeded their duty.