§ MR. LLOYD-GEORGE (Carnarvon, &c.)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, in filling the vacancy in the Constableship of Carnarvon Castle, occasioned by the death of Lord Carnarvon, the Government will accede to the strong wish, repeatedly expressed by the Town Council of Carnarvon, that the appointment should be conferred upon the Mayor of the town for the time being?
§ * THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREA-SURY (Mr. W. H. SMITH,) Strand, WestminsterThe wish which has been expressed by the Town Council of Carnarvon is receiving careful consideration on the part of the Prime Minister, but 224 Her Majesty's Government are not at present in a position to make any statement as to the choice of a successor to the late Lord Carnarvon.